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Cavity Symptoms You Shouldn't Ignore

woman with tooth pain

What a Cavity Means For Your Dental Health

A cavity is a permanently damaged area of the enamel on your teeth that develops into tiny holes. This damage is typically a result of plaque, which is a bacterial film that thrives off food and drinks that pass through your mouth.

Treating a cavity is important in order to avoid complete tooth decay or further dental issues. Keep reading to learn how you can easily spot the signs of a cavity.

How to Tell If You Have a Cavity

While common, it can be easy for patients to overlook the subtle signs that they have a cavity. If you experience any of the following symptoms, you should see your dentist as soon as possible.

Your Teeth Are Stained

Your teeth can become stained from the foods and drinks you consume, as well as from smoking — but stained teeth can also be a result of cavities. Cavity stains typically start as white marks that pick up other colors over time, such as black and brown. Discolored spots on your teeth can be signs that your tooth has begun decaying.

You Have a Hole in Your Tooth

Normal wear and tear is fine, but if you notice that your teeth have holes or cracks, this can be a result of having a cavity and will need to be fixed. As a cavity enters the small canals in your teeth (known as microscopic tubules), acidic, cold, hot, sweet, or sticky foods can over-stimulate your nerves and cause pain.

You Have a Toothache

One of the most common signs that you need to visit the dentist is painful toothaches — and it is also one of the most common signs of tooth decay. Once a tooth is deemed ‘dead’, it cannot be repaired and must be extracted.

When cavities work into your enamel, they work down into the next layer of your tooth, which is your dentin. If the cavity is left unresolved, it can then move down into the living tissue and cells in your teeth (known as the pulp). Once the cavity reaches this stage, you’ll be in a great deal of pain, and your tooth is at risk of decay.

Treating Cavities

If you or your child displays any of these symptoms, they’ll need to visit the dentist to seek treatment for their cavity and prevent any further tooth decay. The dentist will examine your mouth, take x-rays, and will recommend a treatment — typically a filling or root canal, depending on the severity of the decay.

Cavity Prevention

To keep your family’s smile bright and cavity-free, be sure they keep up with a healthy dental hygiene routine. This includes brushing their teeth after each meal, flossing, and regularly seeing the dentist.

Many of our patients only visit the dentist when something hurts or feels wrong — but one of the most vital parts of your dental health care is going to the dentist regularly. This includes receiving routine x-rays and regular cleanings.

Cavity Fillings in Frisco, TX

Whether due to a busy schedule or out of fear, it can feel easy for patients to avoid making a dentist’s appointment — even when they recognize something may be wrong. If you experience any pain or notice anything visually wrong with your teeth, you should make an appointment with your dentist immediately.

When you choose Frisco's Dentists, we treat you like family. We’ll help ease your tensions and treat your cavity as quickly as possible. Contact us today to set up an appointment and alleviate your pain.