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Fluoride Decreases Bacterial Adhesion to Teeth


The pros and cons of fluoride in toothpaste are often debated amongst consumers and experts. We could go over yet again the misnomers and relatively low risk about contracting fluorosis, one of the most feared cons of fluoride in toothpaste, but instead, we’ll highlight yet another study that shows more positive effects from fluoride instead of negative.

A recent study in Germany found that fluoride actually reduces bacteria’s ability to adhere to your teeth. They found similar results with pathogens that are prone to cause cavities as well. The purpose of the research was to determine the role of fluoride in the interaction between bacteria and teeth. Overall, the team found that after applying fluoride treatment to the dental surfaces, all of the bacteria they tested had remarkably lower adhesive forces. When they compared it with untreated surfaces, fluoride reduced the adhesive properties by half.

However, the lead researcher cautioned against getting overly optimistic just yet. “Whether these laboratory results also apply to the oral cavity needs to be verified in further studies,” said Dr. Karin Jacobs, Professor of Experimental Physics at Saarland University in Saarbrucken, Germany.

Yet, the researchers are confident in stating that this effect on the adhesiveness of bacteria is a key factor in fluoride’s cavity prevention.
