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An Inconvenient Truth: Your Toothbrush is Disgusting


You may not want to know how disgusting your toothbrush is, but the fact of the matter is that it’s loaded with germs. That’s part of its job though, right? Its purpose is to remove the germs from your mouth. And while it does that part very well, the germs do go somewhere, and that somewhere is on your toothbrush.

Don’t panic just yet. Your mouth isn’t that clean in the first place. Surely you’ve heard that a dog’s mouth is more sterile than our own, and you’ve seen what they put in their mouths. The only time that the amount of germs cause a problem is when there is no longer a safe balance of unhealthy bacteria in your mouth.

Also, while it is true that you are sticking bacteria into your mouth every time you brush your teeth, it hardly means that you’re putting yourself at risk for infection every morning and every night. All this means is that you need be wary of where you store your toothbrush and how often you’re changing it.

Don’t Store Your Toothbrush Near the Toilet

We’re not saying don’t store your toothbrush in the bathroom. That would be a bit silly. Just don’t leave your toothbrush near your toilet. Every time you flush your toilet, it sprays bacteria in the air. Don’t add on to the bacteria already on your toothbrush.

If your bathroom is small, keep your toothbrush on the side of the sink furthest away from your toilet.

How to Store Your Toothbrush

Now that your toothbrush is as far away from the toilet as it can be, follow these tips to prevent further germ infestation:

  • Rinse your toothbrush after you brush your teeth.
  • Keep your toothbrush dry and out in the open. Do not use toothbrush covers.
  • Store the toothbrush upright instead of laying it down.
  • Do not store toothbrushes together, such as in a shared cup.
  • Never ever share your toothbrush.

Change Your Toothbrush

Always, always replace your toothbrush (or brush head for electric brushes) on a regular basis. The average rule of thumb is every three to four months.

However, you should throw out your toothbrush or brush head under the following circumstances:

  • The bristles are frayed.
  • You’re sick.
  • Your house has a “bug” that is going around.
  • You brush your teeth after vomiting.

If you have a weak immune system, consider replacing your brush every four to eight weeks.
