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Biomaterial Stimulates Healing Post-Dental Implants


Not long ago, we discussed a new filling composite that can stimulate new tissue growth and boost healing.New research is taking this even further with stimulating growth and healing after a dental procedure far more invasive—dental implants.

In this study, the researchers used a biomaterial of leukocyte- and platelet-rich fibrins with the dental implant. Two days after surgery, the team noticed far more improved healing of the mouth tissue than what is normally observed post-implant. They found that the biomaterial acts as a membrane that protects the implant from the rest of the mouth during healing. It also seems to stimulate the growth of gum tissue, further speeding up the healing rate. After seven days, the team found that the gum profile was well defined and was already accepting the implant. At six months post-surgery, the implant was completely stable, and it remained stable after two years (and still is).

The researchers said that the leukocyte/platelet fibrin (L-PRF) is simple, easy to create, and—perhaps most importantly—inexpensive. In fact, it only takes 15 minutes to prepare, allowing it to be easily integrated into day-to-day implant surgeries. The team also assured that the biomaterial was free of all additives, including anticoagulants, which often prevent the blood from clotting.

Once this treatment method is officially FDA-approved, it should become more commonplace, especially in the states.

The project was conducted by researchers at the University of Geneva’s School of Dental Medicine, the State University of New York at Buffalo’s Department of Restorative Dentistry and the Chonnam National University’s School of Dentistry in Gwangju, South Korea, in collaboration with two practitioners in Italy and Israel.

The study was published in the April issue of the Journal of Oral Implantology.
