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Take a New Smile on a Test Drive


If you’re needing or looking into a cosmetic dental procedure to help restore your smile, wouldn’t you like to know and see exactly how you will look? You can usually test drive a car before you buy, which is something you will invest thousands of dollars in and have to use every day for at least 2-3 years. With a dental procedure, that’s also an investment of thousands of dollars and it’s something you’ll have to live with for the rest of your life. So yes, most of us would like to know from the get-go exactly how a costly dental procedure will improve our smile or give us what we’re looking for in a procedure.

A new dental technology is on the horizon that will allow patients to take their future smiles for a test drive.

Called PreNew PreView (PNPV), the technology creates a digital smile preview that will fit over the patient’s existing teeth to show them exactly how they will look post-procedure. Dentists have been able to create images that would show what the patient could look like before and after the treatment, but those images won’t give the patient the full experience they would have in actually seeing how they would look with the new teeth. With the PNPV, patients can see how the teeth will look when they’re naturally smiling, talking, etc.

So how does it work?

PNPV only takes two steps. First, the dentist will take an impression of your teeth and two photos: a smile with lips only and a full-facial smile. Your dentist will then send these photos and the model to the PNPV labs. At your next visit, once your dentist receives the PNPV preview, you will have the new look fitted over your teeth with no drilling, no anesthesia, and no hassle.

At this point, the patient can decide whether to go through with the procedure or not. Most likely, it will win patients over and give a boost of confidence that this is the best option to give the best smile they can get.

The technology is slowly coming to fruition and will soon be available across the country. Talk to your Frisco Dentist about this exciting new technology!
