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Care Tips for After Your Wisdom Teeth Removal


Time to get your or your child’s wisdom teeth removed? Surgery is never a fun experience, even with something as common as getting one’s wisdom teeth removed. However, there are some things you can do during the recovery phase to make the recovery time shorter and as comfortable as possible.

Rest. With any surgery, your body needs rest to heal. Even though wisdom teeth removal may not be considered a complicated surgery, your body still needs plenty of rest before jumping back into your normal routine. Take at least two to three days just to rest.

Pain medication. Always take your pain medication as prescribed by your oral surgeon, and always take it before your pain becomes unbearable. It takes awhile for the medication to take effect, so if you wait until it is excruciating, you will have to endure the excruciating pain even longer.

Anti-inflammatories. With any surgery, the tissue will be inflamed, and the same is true with your mouth. Taking an anti-inflammatory medication, such as ibuprofen, will reduce the swelling and pain associated with inflammation. Your surgeon will most likely recommend a regimen of alternating taking pain medications and anti-inflammatory medications. If not, be sure to talk to him or her about taking any extra medications along with your prescriptions.

Ice. Packing down your cheeks–externally, not internally–with ice or ice packs will also greatly aid in reducing inflammation. The cold will also numb your tissues, helping with pain as well. Know what works even better than an ice pack? Try a large bag of frozen peas; it will adhere to the curves of your face far better than ice packs or bags of ice.

Watch what you eat. There is a reason why your surgeon restricts your diet to liquids only for the first few days–solid food can disrupt the blood clots that formed over the extraction wounds. Not only is this painful, but it opens up the risks of infection and it will greatly delay your recovery. Follow your prescribed diet.

No straws or cigarettes. Both straws and cigarettes require you to suck air into your mouth, which, like eating solid foods, can dislodge your blood clots.

Follow these tips and don’t force yourself to do anything if your body doesn’t feel ready; this includes opening your mouth all the way. You’ll understand post-surgery, trust us.
