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Three Tips to Get Your Kids Brushing Their Teeth


Anyone with kids can easily attest to their sheer stubbornness when it comes to doing tasks they don’t find fun. Parents have waged battle with their children on everything from eating peas to picking-up their rooms. One area that that seems to always bring on temper tantrums is tooth brushing. If you happen to be entering into the battle with your children, here are three tips to help them take care of their teeth:

1. Snag and electric toothbrush. Electric toothbrushes can go a long way to making this daily chore fun and entertaining for youngsters. The best part is many of these electronic options are geared directly for kids. You may find one with their favorite cartoon character, or even one that plays music while they brush. This may seem simple, but it can go a long way to ending the bathroom standoff.

2. Watch the toothpaste you provide for your kids. It may not seem like it, but adult toothpaste can provide a taste that is far too strong for kids. If your children don’t like the taste of the toothpaste, they will fight using it. Look for a children’s toothpaste on your next trip to the grocery store. It may take some searching, but getting something your kids like can make a huge difference in their wanting to actually brush their teeth.

3. Let your kids have fun in this endeavor. The best thing you can do is let your child have fun while they brush their teeth. No, you don’t need to let them fling toothpaste all over the walls, but letting them sing, dance, and play games while brushing can make this easier on you. Let them have fun for a bit, and then help them finish off the task to make sure their teeth are properly taken care of. If your child can have a bit of fun, there is less likelihood they will put up a fight the next time.

Work with your kids when it comes to this vital task. Finding something that works can be so simple, yet worth every minute you put into digging for a solution. Don’t forget to bring little junior in for their six-month checkup, of which can also be turned into a game!
